Issues at the Citrix login page Error messages to do with ‘invalid credentials’ Only the web plugin component should be installed. The sample answer is Uninstall and reinstall the Citrix client. Opening Citrix causes a window to open asking “ What is the address of the server hosting your published resources.” There is a space to fill in the server name. The wrong client software has been installed Some older versions can be downloaded with fewer clicks from ///6/citrix-xenapp-web-plugins/. The latest Citrix client software can be downloaded from.
Note that connecting to a user’s computer via a Webex support session installs a WebEx Document Loader virtual printer on that computer and sets it as the default printer. The Beyond site should be added to the Trusted Sites list in IE (see below). Many issues are resolved by confirming that the local computer’s system clock is correct, deleting temporary internet files, and/or uninstalling then reinstalling the Citrix client. Under “Remote client type”, the Native client should be currently selected. To check/change the current client, click on the Advanced Options link on the login screen.
See the section Changing the client for instructions. In nearly all cases, using the Native client is recommended over the Java client.